Defined in csr.hpp
template<class Label = uint32_t, class Ordinal = Label, class LabelStorage = Label*, class OrdinalStorage = Ordinal*, bool weighted = false, class Weight = float, class WeightStorage = Weight*>
class pigo::CSR¶ Holds compressed sparse row matrices or graphs.
This is a fundamental object in PIGO. It is used to represent sparse matrices and graphs. It can be loaded directly from files that are in adjacency formats, such as CHACO/METIS files.
In many cases, this is the desired format for a graph or matrix in memory. When sparse graphs or matrices are delivered in COO formats, such as matrix market or edge lists, they are frequently converted to CSR. This class can automatically handle such conversions internally.
- tparam Label
the label data type. This type needs to be able to support the largest value read inside of the COO. In a graph this is the largest vertex ID.
- tparam Ordinal
the ordinal data type. This type needs to support large enough values to hold the number of endpoints or rows in the COO. It defaults to the same type as the label type.
- tparam LabelStorage
the storage type of the endpoints of the CSR. This can either be vector (std::vector<Label>), a pointer (Label*), or a shared_ptr (std::shared_ptr<Label>).
- tparam OrdinalStorage
the storage type of the offsets of the CSR. This can either be vector (std::vector<Ordinal>), a pointer (Ordinal*), or a shared_ptr (std::shared_ptr<Ordinal>).
- tparam weighted
if true, support and use weights
- tparam Weight
the weight data type. This type needs to be able to support the largest value read inside of the COO. In a graph this is the largest vertex ID.
- tparam WeightStorage
the storage type for the weights. This can be a raw pointer (Weight*), a std::vector (std::vector<Weight>), or a std::shared_ptr<Weight>.
Subclassed by pigo::BaseGraph< uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t *, uint32_t *, false, float, float * >, pigo::CSC< uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t *, uint32_t *, false, float, float * >
Public Functions
template<class COOLabel, class COOOrdinal, class COOStorage, bool COOsym, bool COOut, bool COOsl, class COOW, class COOWS>
CSR(COO<COOLabel, COOOrdinal, COOStorage, COOsym, COOut, COOsl, weighted, COOW, COOWS> &coo)¶ Initialize from a COO.
This creates a CSR from an already-loaded COO.
Note that this will densely fill in all labels, so if there are many empty rows there will be unnecessary space used.
- Template Parameters
COOLabel – the label for the COO format
COOOrdinal – the ordinal for the COO format
COOStorage – the storage format of the COO
COOsym – whether the COO is symmetrized
COOut – whether the COO only keeps the upper triangle
COOsl – whether the COO removes self loops
COOW – the weight type of the COO
COOWS – the weight storage type of the COO
- Parameters
CSR(std::string fn)¶
Initialize from a file.
The file type will attempt to be determined automatically.
- Parameters
fn – the filename to open
CSR(std::string fn, FileType ft)¶
Initialize from a file with a specific type.
- Parameters
fn – the filename to open
ft – the FileType to use
CSR(File &f, FileType ft)¶
Initialize from an open file with a specific type.
- Parameters
f – the open File
ft – the FileType to use
inline LabelStorage &endpoints()¶
Return the endpoints.
- Returns
the endpoints in the LabelStorage format
inline OrdinalStorage &offsets()¶
Return the offsets.
These contain Ordinals that show the offset for the current label into the endpoints. These are not pointers directly.
- Returns
the offsets in the OrdinalStorage format
inline WeightStorage &weights()¶
Return the weights, if available.
This returns the WeightStorage for the weights, if the CSR is weighted.
- Returns
the weights in the WeightStorage format
inline Ordinal m() const¶
Retrieves the number of endpoints in the CSR.
- Returns
the count of endpoints
inline Label n() const¶
Retrieves the number of labels the CSR contains.
Note that this includes labels with no endpoints.
- Returns
the number of labels
inline Label ncols() const¶
Retrieves the number of columns in the CSR.
- Returns
the number of columns
template<class nL = Label, class nO = Ordinal, class nLS = LabelStorage, class nOS = OrdinalStorage, bool nw = weighted, class nW = Weight, class nWS = WeightStorage>
CSR<nL, nO, nLS, nOS, nw, nW, nWS> new_csr_without_dups()¶ Return a new CSR without duplicate entries.
inline void free()¶
Utility to free consumed memory.
As an IO library, PIGO generally leaves memory cleanup to downstream applications and does not always deallocate in destructors. In some cases it is helpful for PIGO to cleanup directly and then this can be used.
size_t save_size() const¶
Return the size of the binary save file.
- Returns
size_t containing the binary file size
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr const char *csr_file_header = "PIGO-CSR-v2"¶
The output file header for reading/writing
type pigo::WCSRPtr¶
template<class Label = uint32_t, class Ordinal = Label, class LabelStorage = Label*, class OrdinalStorage = Ordinal*, bool weighted = false, class Weight = float, class WeightStorage = Weight*>
class CSC : public pigo::CSR<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t*, uint32_t*, false, float, float*>¶ A compressed sparse column representation.
This is a transposed CSR.
- tparam Label
the label data type. This type needs to be able to support the largest value read inside of the CSR. In a graph this is the largest vertex ID.
- tparam Ordinal
the ordinal data type. This type needs to support large enough values to hold the number of endpoints or rows in the CSR. It defaults to the same type as the label type.
- tparam LabelStorage
the storage type of the endpoints of the CSR. This can either be vector (std::vector<Label>), a pointer (Label*), or a shared_ptr (std::shared_ptr<Label>).
- tparam OrdinalStorage
the storage type of the offsets of the CSR. This can either be vector (std::vector<Ordinal>), a pointer (Ordinal*), or a shared_ptr (std::shared_ptr<Ordinal>).
- tparam weighted
if true, support and use weights
- tparam Weight
the weight data type.
- tparam WeightStorage
the storage type for the weights. This can be a raw pointer (Weight*), a std::vector (std::vector<Weight>), or a std::shared_ptr<Weight>.