Defined in matrix.hpp
template<class Label = uint32_t, class Ordinal = Label, class LabelStorage = Label*, class OrdinalStorage = Ordinal*, bool weighted = false, class Weight = float, class WeightStorage = Weight*>
class SymMatrix : public pigo::CSR<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t*, uint32_t*, false, float, float*>¶ Used to load symmetric matrices from disk.
This class provides a matrix-specific naming on top of CSRs.
- tparam Label
the label data type. This type needs to be able to support the largest value read inside of the Matrix.
- tparam Ordinal
the ordinal data type. This type needs to support large enough values to hold the number of non-zeros in the Matrix. It defaults to Label.
- tparam LabelStorage
the storage type of the endpoints of the CSR. This can either be vector (std::vector<Label>), a pointer (Label*), or a shared_ptr (std::shared_ptr<Label>).
- tparam OrdinalStorage
the storage type of the offsets of the CSR. This can either be vector (std::vector<Ordinal>), a pointer (Ordinal*), or a shared_ptr (std::shared_ptr<Ordinal>).
- tparam weighted
if true, support and use weights
- tparam Weight
the weight data type.
- tparam WeightStorage
the storage type for the weights. This can be a raw pointer (Weight*), a std::vector (std::vector<Weight>), or a std::shared_ptr<Weight>.
template<class Label = uint32_t, class Ordinal = Label, class LabelStorage = Label*, class OrdinalStorage = Ordinal*, bool weighted = false, class Weight = float, class WeightStorage = Weight*>
class pigo::Matrix¶ Used to hold regular (non-symmetric) matrices.
This contains both a CSR and a CSC
- tparam Label
the label data type. This type needs to be able to support the largest value read inside of the Matrix.
- tparam Ordinal
the ordinal data type. This type needs to support large enough values to hold the number of non-zeros in the Matrix. It defaults to Label.
- tparam LabelStorage
the storage type of the endpoints of the CSR/CSC. This can either be vector (std::vector<Label>), a pointer (Label*), or a shared_ptr (std::shared_ptr<Label>).
- tparam OrdinalStorage
the storage type of the offsets of the CSR/CSC. This can either be vector (std::vector<Ordinal>), a pointer (Ordinal*), or a shared_ptr (std::shared_ptr<Ordinal>).
- tparam weighted
if true, support and use weights
- tparam Weight
the weight data type.
- tparam WeightStorage
the storage type for the weights. This can be a raw pointer (Weight*), a std::vector (std::vector<Weight>), or a std::shared_ptr<Weight>.
Public Functions
template<class COOLabel, class COOOrdinal, class COOStorage, bool COOsym, bool COOut, bool COOsl, class COOW, class COOWS>
inline Matrix(COO<COOLabel, COOOrdinal, COOStorage, COOsym, COOut, COOsl, weighted, COOW, COOWS> &coo)¶ Initialize from a COO.
This creates a Matrix from an already-loaded COO.
This first copies the COO and transposes the copy, setting that as the CSC.
- Template Parameters
COOLabel – the label for the COO format
COOOrdinal – the ordinal for the COO format
COOStorage – the storage format of the COO
COOsym – whether the COO is symmetrized
COOut – whether the COO only keeps the upper triangle
COOsl – whether the COO removes self loops
COOW – the weight type of the COO
COOWS – the weight storage type of the COO
- Parameters
inline Matrix(std::string filename)¶
Build a Matrix from a file.
- Parameters
filename – the file to read and load
inline void free()¶
Free the associated memory.
inline CSR<Label, Ordinal, LabelStorage, OrdinalStorage, weighted, Weight, WeightStorage> &csr()¶
Return the CSR.
inline CSC<Label, Ordinal, LabelStorage, OrdinalStorage, weighted, Weight, WeightStorage> &csc()¶
Return the CSC.