Defined in graph.hpp
template<class vertex_t = uint32_t, class edge_ctr_t = uint32_t, class edge_storage = vertex_t*, class edge_ctr_storage = edge_ctr_t*, bool weighted = false, class Weight = float, class WeightStorage = Weight*>
class pigo::BaseGraph : public pigo::CSR<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t*, uint32_t*, false, float, float*>¶ Used to load graphs from disk.
This class provides a graph-specific naming on top of CSRs.
- tparam vertex_t
the type to use for vertices
- tparam edge_ctr_t
the type to use for an edge counter
- tparam edge_storage
the storage type of the endpoints of the CSR.
- tparam edge_ctr_storage
the storage type of the offsets of the CSR.
- tparam weighted
if true, support and use weights
- tparam Weight
the weight data type.
- tparam WeightStorage
the storage type for the weights. This can be a raw pointer (Weight*), a std::vector (std::vector<Weight>), or a std::shared_ptr<Weight>.
Public Functions
edge_ctr_t neighbor_start(vertex_t v)¶
Return the neighbors of a vertex.
- Parameters
v – the vertex to find the neighbors at
- Returns
an edge_ctr_t containing the neighbor start offset
edge_ctr_t neighbor_end(vertex_t v)¶
Return beyond the neighbors of a vertex.
- Parameters
v – the vertex to end the neighbors at
- Returns
an edge_ctr_t just beyond the neighbor list
inline edge_ctr_t degree(vertex_t v)¶
Return the number of neighbors (degree) of a vertex.
- Parameters
v – the vertex to return the degree of
- Returns
the number of neighbors of the vertex
inline EdgeIt<vertex_t, edge_ctr_t, edge_storage> neighbors(vertex_t v)¶
Return an iterator for the neighbors the vertex.
- Parameters
v – the vertex to iterate over the neighbors of
- Returns
an edge iterator
template<class vertex_t = uint32_t, class edge_ctr_t = uint32_t, class edge_storage = vertex_t*, class edge_ctr_storage = edge_ctr_t*, bool weighted = false, class Weight = float, class WeightStorage = Weight*>
class pigo::DiGraph¶ Used to load directed graphs from disk.
This class provides a graph-specific naming on top of non-symmetric matrices (Matrix).
- tparam vertex_t
the type to use for vertices
- tparam edge_ctr_t
the type to use for an edge counter
- tparam edge_storage
the storage type of the endpoints of the CSR/CSC.
- tparam edge_ctr_storage
the storage type of the offsets of the CSR/CSC.
- tparam weighted
if true, support and use weights
- tparam Weight
the weight data type.
- tparam WeightStorage
the storage type for the weights. This can be a raw pointer (Weight*), a std::vector (std::vector<Weight>), or a std::shared_ptr<Weight>.
Public Functions
template<class COOvertex_t, class COOedge_ctr_t, class COOStorage, bool COOsym, bool COOut, bool COOsl, class COOW, class COOWS>
inline DiGraph(COO<COOvertex_t, COOedge_ctr_t, COOStorage, COOsym, COOut, COOsl, weighted, COOW, COOWS> &coo)¶ Initialize from a COO.
This creates a DiGraph from an already-loaded COO.
This first copies the COO and transposes the copy, setting that as the in-edges. The out-edges are the original COO.
- Template Parameters
COOvertex_t – the label for the COO format
COOedge_ctr_t – the ordinal for the COO format
COOStorage – the storage format of the COO
COOsym – whether the COO is symmetrized
COOut – whether the COO only keeps the upper triangle
COOsl – whether the COO removes self loops
COOW – the weight type of the COO
COOWS – the weight storage type of the COO
- Parameters
DiGraph(std::string fn)¶
Initialize from a file.
The file type will attempt to be determined automatically.
- Parameters
fn – the filename to open
DiGraph(std::string fn, FileType ft)¶
Initialize from a file with a specific type.
- Parameters
fn – the filename to open
ft – the FileType to use
DiGraph(File &f, FileType ft)¶
Initialize from an open file with a specific type.
- Parameters
f – the open File
ft – the FileType to use
inline void free()¶
Free the associated memory.
inline edge_ctr_t m()¶
Return the number of non-zeros or edges.
inline edge_ctr_t n()¶
Return the number of vertices.
inline edge_ctr_t nrows()¶
Return the number of rows.
inline edge_ctr_t ncols()¶
Return the number of columns.
inline BaseGraph<vertex_t, edge_ctr_t, edge_storage, edge_ctr_storage, weighted, Weight, WeightStorage> &out()¶
Return the out-edges.
inline BaseGraph<vertex_t, edge_ctr_t, edge_storage, edge_ctr_storage, weighted, Weight, WeightStorage> &in()¶
Return the in-edges.
Public Static Attributes
static constexpr const char *digraph_file_header = "PIGO-DiGraph-v1"¶
The output file header for reading/writing
template<class V, class O, class S>
class pigo::EdgeItT¶ An iterator type for edges.
- tparam V
the vertex ID type
- tparam O
the ordinal type
- tparam S
the storage type for the edges
template<class V, class O, class S>
class pigo::EdgeIt¶ An iterable edge list.
- tparam V
the vertex ID type
- tparam O
the ordinal type
- tparam S
the storage type for the edges
- param begin
the starting offset
- param end
one passed the starting offset
type pigo::Graph¶
type pigo::BigGraph¶